Tetra Tech Planning secured planning permission for a purpose–built secure mental health care facility for an independent sector provider in Nottingham.
Our work involved an initial planning appraisal, pre-application dialogue with the Council, preparation and co-ordination of the planning application, and liaison with local residents and Ward Councillors.
Our client specialised in treating and caring for patients with personal, interpersonal, learning, and social disabilities. These are some of the most vulnerable members of society, with limited access to the necessary specialist services.
The development turned a vacant and disused site into a high–quality healthcare facility. In doing so, it not only delivered bespoke patient care but created roughly 70 jobs over a broad employment spectrum and delivered associated training and development opportunities across a range of transferable skills. The facility is expected to contribute over £3.5 million annually to the local economy.
We provided planning advice prior to our client acquiring the site; indeed, our preliminary appraisal accurately informed our client that planning permission should be granted in due course. Following site acquisition, we led the pre-application dialogue with Council officers and advised on technical application requirements. We also bore responsibility for overall co-ordination and submission of the application.
The site adjoined a residential estate and a number of local residents initially expressed significant concern about the proposed use. Through the likes of holding public drop-in sessions and preparing and issuing FAQ information, we worked with our client to to help them engage with the local community and reassure residents about the proposed use. This ultimately reduced formal objections to the planning application significantly.
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