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Delivering plans for the ambitious Logic Leeds Business Park 

Angled aerial view of a large commercial shipping and storage building

Since 2014, Tetra Tech Planning has provided planning support to Muse Developments Limited on Logic Leeds. 

This popular 50-hectare business park is home to retail giants like John Lewis and Amazon while also hosting Premier Farnell, Network Rail, DHL, and many more.

We secured the original outline planning permission and subsequent detailed approvals on a short timescale for 143,000 sqm of B1/ B2/ B8 employment use and other supporting uses.

Logic Leeds lies within the Leeds City Region Enterprise Zone, strategically located at a new gateway to Leeds, 0.5km west of Junction 45 of the M1, and 2.5 km east of Leeds city centre on the new East Leeds Link Road.

Along with the massive employment space, our team secured approval for the following provisions:

  • a 120-bed hotel
  • 700–sqm crèche
  • 500–sqm of space for restaurants, cafes, and drinking establishments
  • 200–sqm of space for professional services
  • Space for up to 2,834 car parking slots

With the scheme submitted in early summer 2018 and approved in October, the short and demanding timescale enabled the project to commence within the agreed contract programme. Tetra Tech worked closely with Muse from an early stage in the outline planning application process to coordinate pre-application discussion with the local planning authority. We coordinated the technical team in preparing supporting documentation.

James Scott, Development Director, MUSE, said: “Tetra Tech is a responsive and reliable consultancy practice that is very aware of the commercial pressures to deliver projects within agreed timescales. It has performed an excellent job at Logic and we have been very impressed with its attention to detail and speed of delivery.”

To ensure a viable and deliverable planning application, we also reviewed draft planning conditions and the Section 106 Agreement. Our specialists ensured outline planning conditions were worded carefully to enable each development phase to progress independently, subject to compliance with relevant phase-specific requirements and adherence to global outline planning conditions.

Following submission, we continued to closely monitor consultation feedback and maintain liaison with the authority in the event that any technical responses were needed.

Since gaining outline approval, we have coordinated and progressed the reserved matters applications for all phases of development as they arise to meet market demand. By discharging planning conditions concurrently, we have ensured each phase can lawfully commence at the earliest opportunity.

Nine buildings now have detailed reserved matters approval, seven of which are built and occupied, with a further two buildings under construction.

The final phase for the remaining two buildings has now been submitted for reserved matters approval and is due to be determined in July 2020.

Tetra Tech also supports Muse Developments in legal due diligence enquiries for future occupiers, which has instilled confidence in these occupiers regarding the delivery of detailed schemes within an expedited programme at the reserved matters stage.

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